Please read carefully the instructions below before starting your submission:
The 8WWCA Scientific Committee will only accept original scientific material, which has not been published before elsewhere. However, abstracts already presented at local, regional or national meetings may be submitted. The abstract body should be short (300–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word or compatible format and carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last-minute changes. Figures and tables cannot be included.
- Abstract submission for the congress is only possible via the online submission platform.
- Abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or other means of communication will not be accepted.
- Abstract Submission Deadline ended on February 1, 2021.
- The person who submits the abstract will be the main contact and must create an account to upload, edit and save abstracts in the submission platform.
- Please keep the email and password used to create the account for future reference and do not create multiple accounts.
- Abstracts must be submitted according to the format provided by the organisation.
- An abstract can be submitted for presentation at the congress as Oral or Poster presentation. However, the Scientific Committee will decide about the type of presentation of each abstract contribution. This decision will be notified to the author by the organization.
- The author must assign the abstract to one of the sub-themes of the congress. The organisation may modify the chosen sub-theme by the author as a result of the reviewers’ suggestion. This modification will be notified to the author by the organization.
- In order to appear in the Congress Proceedings and receive the certificate of contributions, registration is compulsory.
- Once the abstract has been accepted, authors may submit the extended abstract (3-7 pages).
- All abstracts will be revised by the Scientific Committee. Through the platform the authors will be notified about the result of the review process (accepted, with or without revision, rejected).
- If you need any assistance or have a query about online submission, you can download the submission procedures guide or contact the Organising Committee through the following e-mail:
IMPORTANT: Kindly note that this section is only enabled for abstract registration. To attend the congress you must be registered on the registration section of this web. A registered author can only be a member of a maximum of two submissions.
NOTE: Authors MUST avoid using (+*^./) in the word file, as otherwise the platform will not register the abstract properly and the document would not be reviewed.
Main deadlines for Abstract Submissions
- Submission of Posters in pdf format: June 1
- Submission of oral presentations in PowerPoint format: June 1
8WCCA – Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation with Conservation Agriculture
The Scientific and Technical Committee has reached an agreement with Agronomy magazine to publish the best contributions of the congress. The authors of accepted full papers will have the possibility to submit the paper for a Special Issue in Agronomy journal. This is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published by MDPI.
Detailed information is available at
Please note:
- Only Manuscripts previously accepted for the 8WCCA will be considered for this special issue.
- Being an open access publication, it has an associated cost that is a responsibility of the authors themselves, who should contact directly with the editor.