On behalf of the International Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to confirm the new dates and arrangements for the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (8WCCA). They are as follows:
- The Congress will be held from June 21st to 24th, 2021 in Zollikofen, Bern, Switzerland.
- The indoor sessions during the first three days will take place at the INFORAMA Rütti in Zollikofen and at the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science HAFL, close to the Swiss capital of Bern, Switzerland. The two locations offer a variety of Conference Rooms of different sizes. Besides, there is a set of field tests at INFORAMA, including the long-term trial “Oberacker”.
- The Field Day will be held on the fourth day of the Congress and will follow the same structure and arrangements as planned initially. It will take place at the estate “Witzwil” only 40 minutes away from Bern.
- The 8WCCA programme outline remains the same.
- Abstracts which have been accepted will be processed as foreseen unless for those authors who wish to withdraw their submissions. For this, all authors will be contacted soon by email to confirm their intention to either maintain or withdraw their abstracts.
- New abstracts can be submitted from now on until January 15th, 2021.The instructions for abstract submission can be retrieved at: https://8wcca.org/call-for-abstract/. For further questions regarding abstracts, please contact the 8WCCA Secretariat by email at: abstract@8wcca.org
- The online registration process will re-open on September 1st, 2020.The new deadlines are as follows:
- Early bird payment: from September 1st, 2020 to February 1st, 2021.
- Standard payment: from February 1st, 2021 to June 4th, 2021.
- After June 4th, 2021, the desk rate will apply.
- For accommodation to attend 8WCCA, please visit https://8wcca.org/accommodation/ before making your booking.
The International Organizing Committee, together with the International Steering Committee and the Scientific and Technical Committee, would like to express their sincere thanks for your understanding of the necessary changes and for the continuity of your interest to attend 8WCCA.
Updated information will be available soon at the 8WCCA website.
For further information please contact the organizers at info@8wcca.org